Corporate Cup Committee Breakfast Meeting!!

Author: Sara.Rose / Date:
We are looking for volunteer committee members to help PCCLD prepare for victory in the 2016 Pueblo Corporate Cup!
Corporate Cup is a fitness challenge that attracts over 3,000 participants representing Pueblo organizations and businesses who compete for trophies. 

Anyone interested in joining the Corporate Cup Committee should try to attend a healthy breakfast meeting on Thursday, June 16 at 8:00 AM in the Ryals Room.  Our objectives will be to decide on a t-shirt color, select which events we will participate in and identify team captains.  

This year's Corporate Cup has some big changes you will want to be aware of:
- a new water relay has been added which takes place on an obstacle course in the family pool!
- the Health Challenge has been eliminated and replaced with a new "Togetherhood Day" where each organization selects a community project and solicits as many volunteers to join their project as they can. The day is kicked off with a rally and all divisions compete against each other!
- tennis may make a come back depending on participation!
- a special Awards Dinner at the Country Club will take place for $100 per table (1 table per organization) to include a 1-hole 4 person scramble, cocktail hour, and dinner!

It's going to be an AWESOME event this year!  Let's bring home the gold!

For more information contact Kayci Barnett at x365 or Sara Rose x627 
or visit:

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