Corporate Cup is just around the corner!!! For those of you who don't know what that is, Corporate Cup is sponsored by the YMCA and is a series of events and competitions played between local businesses. The kickoff is Saturday September 13th and it runs through September 28th. Competitions are held on weekends and weeknights after work. I have attached a schedule of events and keep in mind PCCLD is in Division 2. So when deciding what event to choose you will want to look in the division column to see when the event is taking place.
Also included in the attachment are individual registration forms. The library picks up the cost of each participant's registration, but staff is responsible for paying for their t-shirts, which must be worn during team events such as volleyball, bowling, ect. The cost for each tshirt will be around $12.50 this year. The library will be wearing bluish gray color and the theme for this year is "Where Everyone Knows Your Game!"
The more participants the library has, the more points our team will score! If sports aren't your thing, consider doing the health challenge! I have attached the form for that as well and Jane Carlson will be coordinating that. I will send more information out on that within the next week or so. The Health Challenge begins August 31st and runs for 3 weeks.
Individual registrations will be due to me along with your t-shirt money by August 18th. Also if anyone is interested in being a team captain, we have opportunities for bowling and softball. I will be team captain for volleyball again this year. Look for more updates over the coming weeks. Feel free to call me with any questions!