Christmas Dinner, Mobile Vaccine Bus and Salute to Heroes

Author: Visitor (not verified) / Date:
If anyone wants to help with the dinner for the homeless this year, here is the information for that: CALLING ALL ANGELS! Christmas Dinner for Our Homeless Friends in Pueblo Christmas is Coming! As we celebrate the birth of Jesus, we remember why He came. Jesus taught us to love one another. “What we do for the least of our brothers and sisters, you do unto me”. It has come to the attention of several faith- based organizations in Pueblo that there is no scheduled Christmas dinner for the folks that are homeless in Pueblo this year. In response, these groups are developing “POP UP” dinners throughout Pueblo on Christmas afternoon. We are asking for assistance in providing the meal. Needs · 8 Large hams (Walmart $1.98 per pound) · 8 boxes of instant mashed potatoes (Sam’s Club) · 5 #10 cans of corn (Sam’s Club) · Dessert and rolls are being donated through the Pueblo Community Soup Kitchen · 5 cases of water · 2 large packages of to-go containers (Sam’s Club) · Silver ware, milk, butter · We would also like to ask if faith-based groups might prepare PB&J lunches including 2 sandwiches, snacks, we can also use donations of socks, gloves, hats, blankets, and coats to be distributed during the Christmas Meal. All peanut butter and jelly are available for drop off, we just need the bread and the angels to prepare the sandwiches. One Way Street Ministry, Breakfast in Bessemer organization, and faith community outreach programs that serve weekly meals on the streets will expand their services to several additional locations for Christmas dinner. Any surplus food will be donated to Pueblo Community Soup kitchen. Proposed Pop-Up Dinner locations: · Eastside (4th and Glendale) · Bessemer (Northern and Brined) · North (Behind King Soopers) · Central (Location TBD) PLEASE HELP Contact Kathy Cline at 719-251-2136 for information and donation pick up Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas God Bless! Kathy Cline
Christmas Dinner.docx
Mobile Vaccine Bus Schedule for December 2022.pdf
Salute to Heroes Flyer (1).pdf
Fundraiser (3.34 MB)

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