The Profile Name field is used to designate customers as ResAdult, ResMinor, Unverified, etc. The status of ‘Special’ within the profile name field is currently being used for customers living in temporary housing such as hotels, shelters or foster care. Limits on those with status of ‘Special’ include: 5 item maximum, no access to ILL, no access to circulating devices.
Beginning on Friday, January 9th, this Special status will no longer be used for customers living in temporary housing. Customers currently set to Special, will be moved to either ResAdult or ResMinor. If we have an email address for them, they will be sent a notification.
Upon review of this procedure, it was learned that the designation of Special status is being assigned inconsistently. It was also learned that PCCLD is unique is limiting access to customers living in temporary housing. Now, all customers able to receive mail in order to provide proof of address, along with other requirements, will have access to the same level of service provided to all residents of Pueblo.
I am available to answer any questions. Thank you!
Beginning on Friday, January 9th, this Special status will no longer be used for customers living in temporary housing. Customers currently set to Special, will be moved to either ResAdult or ResMinor. If we have an email address for them, they will be sent a notification.
Upon review of this procedure, it was learned that the designation of Special status is being assigned inconsistently. It was also learned that PCCLD is unique is limiting access to customers living in temporary housing. Now, all customers able to receive mail in order to provide proof of address, along with other requirements, will have access to the same level of service provided to all residents of Pueblo.
I am available to answer any questions. Thank you!