And the Adult Summer Reading Registration Challenge winner is...

Author: sara.housman / Date:

It has been an incredible, busy summer for our whole district and the final Adult Summer Reading numbers are here to show it! We have reached 106% of our goal for adult registrations, totaling 1,902 adults!

I'm excited to announce the winners of the Adult Summer Reading Registration Challenge! Library @ the Y reached 279% of their goal; Books in the Park reached 250% of their goal; and Giodone reached 183% of their goal. These three libraries will receive treats for a party to celebrate their amazing achievements! Outstanding results!

There were also several other libraries that reached their goal - Barkman, Lucero and Rawlings! Great job to everyone there for achieving your goal!  Also to Greenhorn, Lamb and Pueblo West who were so close! Thank you to each and every one of your for your participation, encouragement and team work to make this such a successful and fun summer. 


2017 Final Numbers

Library                         % of Goal Reached         2017 Total   2017 Goal 2016
Avondale                                  66 %                            2 3 2
Barkman                                  155%                           534 344 313
Books in the Park                     250%                          5 2 1
Giodone                                  183%                           181 99 90
Greenhorn Valley                     83%                           149 179 163
Lamb                                        65%                           119 182 165
Library @ the Y                       279%                          81 29 26
Lucero                                     102%                          125 122 111
Pueblo West                            61%                           194 323 294
Rawlings                                  102%                         512 504 458
Total                                       106%                           1,902 1,788 1,625

Security Contact

Pueblo West
x621 or 719-252-8500
Security Supervisor
Rawlings Director 

Facilities Emergency Contact Procedure:

Facilities Emergency Contact Procedure:

Facilities Emergency Number: 719-250-0425
Custodial Emergency Number: 719-240-0033
If there is no answer call the Facilities Director at 719-717-0822
For all other facilities needs please have a manager submit a facilities work order.