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Adult Summer Reading record-breaking numbers tabulated!

Author: Midori.Clark / Date:
It has been a truly incredible effort by our entire district to achieve an amazing 305 percent increase in our adult summer reading registrations! We went from 500 entries last year, to a whopping 2,023 in 2015! I'd like to especially recognize the leadership of Sara Schwartz in heading the program up this year--way to go!

I'm also excited to announce the winners of the pizza parties! Pueblo West Library increased registrations by 987 percent (no, that's not a typo!!!) and Lucero Library has the most overall registrations of the new libraries with 258. That being said, EVERY library had TRIPLE digit increases, so we'll be doing cake or cookies for everyone!!!! You all deserve a treat! On a personal note, in my 11 years working at the district, this is the most engaged and together I've ever felt working on a district-wide project, so THANK YOU for your participation! We are truly one, united team and thank you for being the best colleagues on the planet!

2015 Adult Summer Reading registration totals and increases:        
Library                     2014             2015              % increase
Pueblo West                38               413               987%
Library @ the Y            15                59               293%
Barkman                    105               270              157%
Lamb                         108               261              142%
Rawlings                    226               468              107%
Avondale                      2                  3                 50%
Lucero                                           258  
Giodone                                         166  
Greenhorn Valley                            125  
Total                       500                 2023              305%


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