Every once in a while Finance is asked to issue a check outside of the regular e-Requester system and we have a process for doing just that! Whenever possible the E-Requester process should be used, but if you have an emergency or another reason for needing a check without going through the system, be aware that we issue checks on Thursdays. This isn't a new process, just a new day!
The process for these "emergency" checks is to complete a check request form (found under Finance in documents on the Portal), submit it no later than 5:00 pm on Tuesday, and we can get a check processed for you by Thursday. For right now, these requests should go to Darlene. When we're back up to full staff in Finance that may change, but we'll let you know! Thanks for your cooperation in working with this schedule. We appreciate it!
The process for these "emergency" checks is to complete a check request form (found under Finance in documents on the Portal), submit it no later than 5:00 pm on Tuesday, and we can get a check processed for you by Thursday. For right now, these requests should go to Darlene. When we're back up to full staff in Finance that may change, but we'll let you know! Thanks for your cooperation in working with this schedule. We appreciate it!