As you may have realized, Sunday will be 15 years since the 9/11 events of 2001. You may have noticed some library programs and exhibits remembering that day. We will have a bookmark available with a selection of materials and program information...however we do have a longer list of materials that may be checked out, or that you might like to use for a display. Below is a link to a Google Doc, but you can also check Bibliocommons and search for the tag "9/11" - see the attached photo for how to do that.
Thanks to Technical Services staff for finding, ordering, and processing the materials and thanks to Chris Sturdy (at the Library at the Y) for completing the tagging in Bibliocommons.
Thanks to Technical Services staff for finding, ordering, and processing the materials and thanks to Chris Sturdy (at the Library at the Y) for completing the tagging in Bibliocommons.