If you find someone browsing our music collection, you could mention that we can now download 5 songs each week from Freegal, our downloadable and streaming music and music video service. That's like half an album!
Freegal has a great selection of genres, artists, and albums -- everything from Philip Glass to "Weird Al" Yankovic (who ranks in Pueblo's Top 15 for August, BTW) to Ke$ha to Maria Callas.
If you or your customers have any questions about the service or would like a demonstration, feel free to give me a call or email abby.koehler@pueblolibrary.org. Thanks!
Freegal has a great selection of genres, artists, and albums -- everything from Philip Glass to "Weird Al" Yankovic (who ranks in Pueblo's Top 15 for August, BTW) to Ke$ha to Maria Callas.
If you or your customers have any questions about the service or would like a demonstration, feel free to give me a call or email abby.koehler@pueblolibrary.org. Thanks!