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2017 Annual Performance Review Timeline

Author: terri.daly / Date:
2017 Annual Performance Review Timeline is below.
Please note that the Performance Review PDF which includes the timeline, process, goals, and how to locate prior reviews is on the portal in the Documents section under Human Resources. Please contact Terri Daly with any questions.

Before Beginning Review: Enter 2017 Goals into Performance Review area. 
 Do not mark Goals “complete” or enter an “end date” as they will not filter into the Annual Review. 
October 1 – October 15: – (ALL Staff) Complete self-review portion of Annual Review form.
October 16 – November 18: – Managers write review, submit scores to HR, and conduct reviews for their direct reports.
  • Step 1 – Once employee has submitted Self Review portion on the Annual Performance Review form, the manager will complete the Performance Review portion.
  • Step 2 – Manager submits scores via spreadsheet to Human Resources (this data is used in the Pay for Performance analysis).
  • Step 3- Scores are Approved. Managers are notified that scores are approved.
  • Step 4 – Managers conduct Performance Reviews - The manager meets with the employee to discuss Annual Performance Review. Manager releases the review back to the employee to make any final comments and sign the review.
November 16 – 30: – Grace period for conducting Performance Review Meetings
November 20 – December 16: – Human Resources with support of COO, CFO, and the Executive Director perform analysis of all performance data and compensation budget.
 Pay adjustments are determined and approved by the Executive Director
December 19: – Pay adjustments are communicated to employees by mail.
If funds allow, bonus awards may be distributed to individuals with exemplary performance.
January 1: – Pay changes become effective.

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If there is no answer call the Assistant Facilities Superintendent at 719-240-1964
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